Dakkar Rally support truck
This was one of the most interesting Jobs I´ve. We worked in TECKDES, I wasin charge of a small, greatly talented Team, Thanks to the liberty and cooperation of all the parts, we managed to make a facelift from a Mercedes Benz 1114 firetruck, that was turned into a support Dakkar truck by a good mechanic form the Paneus team.
I have the important task of managing and also working in all the stages, from the sketching, to the creation of the Mathematics in CATIA, the rendering and at last the conception.
I give you a short brief of the project in the next images.
I hope you enjoy it as much as i did, it was a huge project for me and and perfectly executed by all the grinding parts.

The Mercedes Benz 1114
Concepts and sketchs
Different Stages of the choosen design
Final Result


Rally Dakkar support truck
